A Slice of Fried Gold

You should see the other guy

Thursday, July 26, 2007

So last night after Trivia night, myself, Amy, Alex, Bob, Chris, Jason, Nick, and Lacey went and played Frisbee Golf at Westchester, as per typical post-trivia night tradition. It was a grand ol' time, even though I played only mildly well through the first nine and was putting very poorly, but that is neither here nor there. When we got through the first 9, we crossed the road and went back to start again, with most of us (meaning Alex, Amy, Lacey, Jason, and I) planning on leaving after hole 3, just because it was already 11 and it just seemed like the more responsible (less lazy? discuss) thing to do. However, there were about 9 people waiting at the first hole, so we said screw it, let's play the second hole instead. Everyone tees off, I luckily have a masterful drive and am situated not too far from the second hole goal. Exciting right?


Apparently this excitement turned me into a non-attentive idiot. As I went to pick up my disc after my par (sadly, only a par) I took a shot to the face (that's a Kevin Smith joke waiting to happen) and staggered from the pain, and then was knocked out. Somehow I felt it, and then was knocked out. Anyways, so I was out for like 10 or 15 seconds, and I woke up and everyone was hovering over me and my face was covered with blood. Awesome right? I had a pretty awesome gash over my left eye (Mr. Tough Guy right here) and my face was caked with blood. Besides that every thing was hunky dory. Of course, I guess if someone wants to be the center of attention, taking a frisbee to the face is a very excellent way to to do it. Probably not the best thing ever to happen to me, but it did lead to a most excellent day of telling people my ridiculous story, getting a free White Chocolate Mocha (thanks Amy!), and feeling really tough when I thought about my nice gash over my eye.

Of course, some people at work couldn't believe that disc could do that, but apparently these folks needs to learn about the destructive powerhouse that is the distance driver. This thing is a monster if put in the right hands (or anyone's hands for that matter, I almost died of shock when I found out who knocked me out with a disc) and I am excellent proof of that. I've never really had a black eye type thing before, and I think out of all of the possible reasons for getting one, catching a frisbee in the face had to be one of my top personal options...probably third behind only "tripping over my own feet" and "walking into a glass door." Have I mentioned I'm clumsy? Damn you height. Damn you to hell for making me naturally goofy.


Anonymous said...

I bet.

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