A Slice of Fried Gold

The Weekend Edition (Labor Day Style)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Cate was clearly into the weekend as well

Any time you have a three day weekend at your disposal you will likely have a better time than usual simply because there is more time to do what you want. When you're a person who is going through a month where they have to say yes to everything it's likely to be a very busy time, especially when you have intensely social friends like I do. Somewhat unsurprisingly I just got done fitting a full weeks worth of activities into essentially three days.


What went down?

  • Off work early for Frisbee Golf in the sun
  • Hanging at Snow Goose on the deck with the Anchorage crew
  • First Friday artwalk and dinner at Humpy's with Amy, Cate, Eric, Joanne and Emily
  • The German Party (yes!)
  • Snow City breakfast with my sister
  • Hula Hands with Brian, Colver, Joanne, Eric and Morgan (seriously amazing)
  • Inglourious Basterds with the Hula Hands crew
  • Exercise! Glorious exercise! with Joanne
  • Talking to my mom on the phone for lengthy periods
  • Rib Night at Cate and Darren's (with Wii Sports Resort - swordfighting! - and I Love You, Man)
  • Alaska State Fair with Amy, Joanne, Benny and the Germans
  • Frisbee golf and exercise! with Joanne and Amy
  • Moose's Tooth with Amy, Joanne, Eric, Cate and Darren
  • Weirdest night at the bars ever with Eric and Bobby (after a hilarious episode of coin flipping in my driveway)
  • (500) Days of Summer with my mom (and an avocado melt from Middle Way)
  • A round of Frisbee Golf at Kincaid with Colver, Lorna, Joanne, Eric and Amy
  • Family dinner and PANDEMIC!!

The German Night crew!

The highlight of the weekend (although there were many) was the complete awesomeness that was German Night. German Night was effectively a small get together of the interns of a small German immersion school in Anchorage that Joanne was invited to, and thusly we were invited as well. It ended up being Joanne, Amy, Eric and I raiding the party, and there were a total of seven German interns there and they were amazing. We spent the entire evening doing all kinds of ridiculous things, such as teaching them the fine arts of beer pong (and by teaching I mean dominating their faces as Eric and I were ridiculously on) or wrestling to the death (as Joanne and Benny did later on - Joanne lost).

    Myself, Toby, Joanne, Benny and Alex

    Not only were there hijinks, but there was a lot of bonding to be had. All of these new people were wonderful, as they are intelligent, funny, charming and way better at English than I am, which is all the more impressive given that they aren't acutally from this country. I'm all about making new friends, and with almost all of the interns staying until February of 2010, count me as someone who is psyched about the possibilities. Here's hoping they stay on as full time friends because they are a ton of fun to hang out with.

    Myself and my bride to be Joanne

    Plus, anyone who can make Eric and I look like the Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen of beer pong holds a special place in my heart. Thanks Team Germany!


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