A Slice of Fried Gold

Happy New Year! Vol. 2: Headfirst into the Future

Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Alright, now that I've laid out all of my successes and failures in 2007, now I am going to lay out my resolutions for 2008. They are pretty simple, and I won't go into too much detail, but I just wanted to make sure I got these out in a public forum for all to see.

Resolution Number 1: Run a marathon.

My current plan is to run a half marathon in the beginning of the summer, and the Portland Marathon next October. Let's see how I do with that, but I think I got this bad boy pegged.

Resolution Number 2: Get a promotion.

This is already in motion. February baby! Just have to wait for it to happen now.

Resolution Number 3: Meet girl. Date girl. Get girlfriend.

Sad? Maybe. Realistic? You betcha. With a large amount of my good friends becoming engaged, I am falling quite far behind. Do I want a girlfriend to compete or anything silly like that? Not so much. I just think its time, and I'm kind of down with taking my life a little more seriously now.

Resolution Number 4: Average a blog for every two days of the year.

That is 182.5 blogs in the year. Can I do that? Can I shake off inconsistency and get blogs out there pretty much every day? It's going to be tough, but I think I can do it.

Resolution Number 5: Read 30 books.

Triple my previous years goal. Intense for sure, but I really think I can do it...and what's the point of a goal if it doesn't make you stretch a bit.

Resolution Number 6: 2 self paid vacations.

Doubling last years goal! Let's see what I can do, but right now I definitely want to go to a big concert festival, check out the San Diego Comic Con, and go down and visit folks in Vegas.

Resolution Number 7: Stay between 190 and 200 pounds.

Been faltering lately, but I think the 190 to 200 pound level is the sweet spot for me. Get back to that, hold it strong.

Resolution Number 8: Take a college course.

I want to take a class on writing, art, or photography. Something in improve on my weak skill set so I can become at least average on one of the three. Plus, learning is a very important thing to keep doing.

Resolution Number 9: Make more lunches and dinners at home.

I go out to eat way too much. I can save money and eat healthier if I just do everything myself. Easy enough.

Resolution Number 10: Be less wasteful.

I have a tendency to trash things when they bother me or let things go bad because of a lack of commitment. Obviously a bad quality, and I want to cut back on this.

Resolution Number 11: Take more pictures.

This is easy enough. Memories are amazing, but visual aides are always great.

Resolution Number 12: Challenge myself.

I need to make sure to never rest on my laurels. The key to being successful and as good as I want to be is to constantly challenge myself and always be learning. If I can do that, I can do anything.

Resolution Number 13: Drink? Hide phone.

Drunk dialing is the worst thing in the world. It never is good, it always hurts you, so why do I do it? Hence, if I drink...I should hide my phone.

Resolution Number 14: Develop abs (or get bigger shirts).

Want rock hard abs and aren't under 23 or a professional football player? Work hard. That's the main part of my body I want to work on, and it is continuously a disappointment.

Resolution Number 15: Eat healthier.

I need to make sure to eat a balanced diet, cut back on sugars and fat, and do whatever I can to eat only what I need. Overeating is very easy and wholly unnecessary. If I can do that, a lot of my other goals will become significantly easier.

So those are my resolutions for the year. I think they are far more realistic than last year, and I think I can easily be successful at this. Now that I have these set in stone, I'll make sure to keep my blog up to date on my successes or lack there of. Cross your fingers for me folks!


Anonymous said...

You've already failed at number 4. You are slackin'!

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