A Slice of Fried Gold

Why? The Last Issue

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Y the Last Man #60 came out today, and I'm not going to go in depth on the review. I just wanted to lay out a couple things.


It was absolutely perfect.

It could not have ended in any way, and it was tragic and beautiful and funny all in one package. Massive kudos to Brian K. Vaughan, Pia Guerra, Jose Marzan, and the rest of the crew on a job incredibly well done, and I will absolutely miss this series as much as any comic series I've ever read.

I've read it twice, and I think it may be my favorite single issue of any comic ever.

Quick note, Jeff Jensen from Entertainment Weekly has a great interview with Brian K. Vaughan and write up about Y the Last Man here. Its to coincide with the release of the last issue, and its great to see a major publication like EW shedding some publicity on this amazing comic.

Also, if interested, I did a detailed review with spoilers aplenty. See that here. Pretty darn good write up if I do say so myself. Very similar to reviews that I read after the fact. Maybe I should be writing comic reviews for a living?


Anonymous said...

Let me borrow the graphic novels, k?

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